
Problem + Empathy = Solution

Understanding emotions increase sales and saves costs
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Emotional Intelligence

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Three reasons why you need V.E.R.N.

  1. Real Time

    Integrate V.E.R.N. for instantaneous analysis wherever you need to know how people are feeling.

  2. Sentence Level Analysis

    Analyze each sentence for emotion, and find exactly how your users feel.

  3. Actionable Results

    Get “Anger,” “Sadness,” “Love & Affection,” “Fear,” and other emotions not just positive, negative, neutral or “mixed.” Get started immediately, no need for the model to “learn.”


See how easy it is to register and get started!

Register for VERN AI and get emotion recognition for free for the first 10,000 sentences. JSON API integrates directly into your stack. Contact us for custom options and integration with your software.

“V.E.R.N. is the state of the art for emotional technology. It’s truly cutting edge and represents the future of artificial intelligent systems.“

Dr. Anthony Ellertson, Boise State University, GIMM Lab

How does VERN work?

Check out VERN AI’s supporting documentation including model descriptions, comparisons to known databases, academic articles, and developer resources. Conversational AI+VERN=Win.


Real-time data analysis

V.E.R.N. returns results in milliseconds, giving you real time emotional analysis of communication.

Self-taught analytics

V.E.R.N. is designed to get more accurate the more it is used.

Custom framing

We can increase the accuracy further by creating custom frames for your use case, and specific to your users.

Detect risks

V.E.R.N. detects anger, sadness, and soon a wide range of sub-dimensional emotional signals. Detect problems before they become catastrophes.

Serve your customers

V.E.R.N. has applications from CSR, Chatbots, OCR/ICR, marketing research and more. The best way to increase your sales is to understand how customers FEEL about you.

Treatment and Understanding

V.E.R.N. can assist in telehealth, therapeutics, emotion recognition and tagging, and more.


Ready to integrate? Let’s talk.

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Dive deeper

Real-time communications analysis with emotional intelligence

Do you want to know what your clients feel about you? Would you like to get this information as it happens? V.E.R.N. removes a delay between data collection and execution.

How VERN gets
the feels

About 2
About 2

Ready to go?

Let’s talk



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How to get V.E.R.N.

Connect direct to V.E.R.N.

Connect through our API and
get real-time results for your communications software. Get all of the emotions we track and the latest updates to ensure the most accurate analysis. You’ll love to use our dashboard to create and set initiatives, and monitor the emotion in your user’s communication.

Get V.E.R.N. from an AI Marketplace

Enable V.E.R.N. for your ModelOps. Secure system solutions enable use of V.E.R.N. in sensitive use cases. Our AI Marketplace partners offer V.E.R.N. in an easy-to-use solution.

Domain and Personal level analysis

Users aren’t all the same. A plumber and a podiatrist speak a slightly different language. We’ll work with your company to create custom framing to enable your analysis to even greater accuracy.

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