Problem + Empathy = Solution
Understanding emotions increase sales and saves costs
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Emotional Intelligence
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See how easy it is to register and get started!
Register for VERN AI and get emotion recognition for free for the first 10,000 sentences. JSON API integrates directly into your stack. Contact us for custom options and integration with your software.
“V.E.R.N. is the state of the art for emotional technology. It’s truly cutting edge and represents the future of artificial intelligent systems.“
Dr. Anthony Ellertson, Boise State University, GIMM Lab
How does VERN work?
Real-time data analysis
Self-taught analytics
Custom framing
Detect risks
Serve your customers
Treatment and Understanding
Ready to integrate? Let’s talk.
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Dive deeper
Real-time communications analysis with emotional intelligence
Do you want to know what your clients feel about you? Would you like to get this information as it happens? V.E.R.N. removes a delay between data collection and execution.
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get real-time results for your communications software. Get all of the emotions we track and the latest updates to ensure the most accurate analysis. You’ll love to use our dashboard to create and set initiatives, and monitor the emotion in your user’s communication.
Get V.E.R.N. from an AI Marketplace
Enable V.E.R.N. for your ModelOps. Secure system solutions enable use of V.E.R.N. in sensitive use cases. Our AI Marketplace partners offer V.E.R.N. in an easy-to-use solution.
Domain and Personal level analysis
Users aren’t all the same. A plumber and a podiatrist speak a slightly different language. We’ll work with your company to create custom framing to enable your analysis to even greater accuracy.
Our blog
VERN compared to WASSA 2017 – Shared Task on Emotion Intensity
As part of our on-going process of testing, improvements, and comparisons to human and computer derived emotional models we scour sources for data. One of the more interesting datasets that we have encountered is the WASSA 2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity. Twenty-two teams participated in the shared task, with the best system obtaining a […]
How VERN works for your marketing bridge
VERN works in dozens of use cases and any scenario where people and computers interact. From marketing to healthcare, from chatbots and robots to intelligent automation, VERN is a compelling technology to assist your AI goals in conversational AI, OCR/ICR, threat recognition, and more. With VERN AI for your marketing initiatives: Analyze emotions in real-time […]
The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Emotion – Perspectives from the US and Japan
Recently VERN’s CEO Craig Tucker participated in a round-table discussion of emotions, AI, and the future of artificial intelligence, each from a US and Japanese perspective. Sponsored by CIC‘s Japan Desk and The Sentience Institute, VERN was joined by Hazumu Yamazaki from Webempath and Shoko Suzuki from the University of Riken. Current AI innovation advances […]
Don’t FEAR the VERN (new fear response detector launched)
The only thing we have to fear…is fear itself. Those words spoken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt ring throughout time. Fear is a real thing, it influences human thought and emotional reactions, feelings, and subsequently communication. It’s essential to learning, to survival, and to our own relationships with each other and with the world around […]
VERN Process and Example
Recently we were asked to put together an engineering flow chart to show how the VERN API process works in your NLP stacks. Clients want to know how the VERN API can be used with their systems. So, we’ve provided an example of a phrase taken from customer service interactions (chatbots) showing how a phrase […]