CEO of VERN talks with Derek Little of Technology Trailblazers about Emotional AI

This week VERN CEO  Craig Tucker spoke with Editor-In-Chief Derek Little of Technology Blazers Club about the genesis of VERN and how it works to separate itself from the limitations of sentiment analysis in the market today. The podcast started off with Mr. Tucker giving his background in communications...

VERN Health accepted to XLerateHealth 2021 Accelerator

(East Lansing, MI) VERN Health, a subsidiary of The Virtual Emotion Resource Network, LLC has been selected to the 2021 XLerateHealth accelerator! The XLerateHealth (XLH) mission is to cultivate and grow impactful healthcare innovation in the Midwest, Southeast and other areas of the country where great innovation often goes unrecognized...

Using emotion recognition models to find emotion Pt 2

Last week we discussed the VERN emotion recognition model. We talked about how the world doesn’t have a clear idea of how many emotions there are, what they are, and how the heck they can even be detected. We provided some clarity on our model and how it relates to...